1st & 3rd Horsley and Kilburn Brownies
Girls in Brownies have incredible experiences together, make brilliant friends and discover the world around them. Every time they meet up, groups of Brownies learn new skills and take on challenges as they work out what they want to be and do in the future.
Brownies is about getting together regularly - often each week - to work on badges, learn new skills, play games and see friends. It's about trying adventurous activities and going along to special events, day trips, sleepovers, camps and holidays.
All Brownies are sure to try new things and take on a broad range of challenges as they explore the topics that sit within our six programme themes - Know Myself, Express Myself, Be Well, Have Adventures, Take Action and Skills For My Future.
Girls in Brownies are part of a small group called a Six, led by a girl called a Sixer. They make their own decisions about what badges and activities to do next. They work together to explore their place within their local community and the world around them.
In their regular meetings, girls will try new things – they can work in groups on skills builder activities like Live smart or Network and have fun all together with unit meeting activities.
They work towards interest badges in their own time, choosing topics and skills they are interested in and exploring everything from languages to space.
Brownies can feel proud of their achievements with awards for each theme and work towards the Brownie Gold award – the highest award a Brownie can get!
If you would like to sign your daughter up to become a member of the Brownies, please sign up by visiting https://www.girlguiding.org.uk/