Abandoned vehicles (Borough)
Adapting homes (County)
Adoption (County)
Advertising (Parish)
Alcohol licence (Borough)
Allowances (welfare benefits) (County)
Animal fouling (Borough)
Archives (County)
Asbestos management (Borough)
Attendance and truancy (County)
Benefits (County)
Bin collection (Borough)
Blocked drains and sewers (Borough)
Blue badge (County)
Building maintenance (Parish)
Bulky household waste collection (Borough)
Burnt out vehicle (Borough)
Bus passes (County)
Bus stops and shelters (Parish)
Car parking permits (County)
Car parks (Parish)
Care needs assessment (County)
Chaperone services (schoolchildren) (County)
Charities (Parish)
Child care (County)
Child performance licence (County)
Childminders (County)
Citizens Advice (Parish)
Citizenship ceremonies (County)
Clinical household waste (Borough)
Clocks (Parish)
Community Association (Parish)
Community Speed Watch (Parish)
Complaints procedure (Borough)
Complaints procedure (County)
Concessionary fares (County)
Conservation areas (Parish)
Conservation areas (Borough)
Council garages (Borough)
Council housing (Borough)
Council housing repairs (Borough)
Council tax (Borough)
Council tax benefit (Borough)
Council tax discount (Borough)
Councillors (Parish)
Councillors (Borough)
Crime prevention (Parish)
Cycling and walking to school (County)
Day care centres (County)
Dead animal removal (Borough)
Decision notices (planning) (Borough)
Defibrillators (Parish)
Derbyshire Weather (County)
Derelict properties (Borough)
Direct Payments (County)
Disabled facilities grant (Borough)
Disabled people - bus passes (County)
Disabled people - parking bays (County)
Disabled people - parking permits (County)
Dog fouling (Parish)
Dog fouling (Borough)
Dog wardens (Borough)
Drain and gully clearance (County)
Drainage (Borough)
Dropped kerbs (County)
Dumped cars (Borough)
Dumped rubbish (Borough)
Education free school meals (County)
Education school transport (County)
Electoral register (Borough)
Emergency plan (Borough)
Emergency plan (County)
Entertainment licence - children (County)
Family history archives (County)
Family information services (County)
Family support (County)
Fly posting (Borough)
Flytipping (Borough)
Footpaths (rights of way) (County)
Fostering (County)
Fouling animals (Parish)
Fouling animals (Borough)
Free school meals (County)
Freedom of Information (Borough)
Garage lettings (Borough)
Garden waste disposal (Borough)
Graffiti removal (Borough)
Grants for voluntary organisations (Borough)
Grants for voluntary organisations (County)
Gritting (roads) (County)
Halls for hire (Parish)
Hazardous waste collection (Borough)
Highways (County)
Home care support (Borough)
Home schooling (County)
Homelessness support (Borough)
Household garden waste (Borough)
Household waste collection (Borough)
Housing allocation (Borough)
Housing benefit (Borough)
Housing exchanges and transfers (Borough)
Housing grants (disabled facilities) (Borough)
Kilburn Community Association (Parish)
Kilburn Community News (Parish)
Kilburn Community Speed Watch (Parish)
Kilburn Village Hall (Parish)
Large household waste collection (Borough)
Library catalogue (County)
Library facilities (County)
Library loans renewals (County)
Liquor license (Borough)
Litter removal (Borough)
Local history (Parish)
Local history archives (County)
Markets (Borough)
Meals on wheels (County)
Memorials (Parish)
Memorial Garden (Parish)
Mobile libraries (County)
Mobile meals (County)
Mutual home exchange (Borough)
Parish Councillors (Parish)
Parking (Borough)
Parking fines (County)
Parking penalties (County)
Parking permits (County)
Parks and open spaces (Borough)
Parks and open spaces (County)
Pavement maintenance (County)
Pedestrian crossings (County)
Pest control (Borough)
Planning (Borough)
Playgrounds (Borough)
Potholes (County)
Premises licence (Borough)
Primary school places (County)
Public footpaths (Borough)
Public meetings (Parish)
Public transport (County)
Public weighbridges (County)
Records office (County)
Recycling bags and containers (Borough)
Registering for a council property (Borough)
Report Stray Dog (Borough)
Road cleaning (Borough)
Road flooding (County)
Road gritting (County)
Road maintenance (County)
Road obstructions (County)
Road safety (County)
Road signs (Borough)
Road spillages (County)
Salting and gritting (County)
School attendance and truancy (County)
School closures (County)
School clothing grants (County)
School term dates (County)
School transport (County)
Secondary schools (County)
Sheltered housing (County)
Social activities and support groups (County)
Social benefits (County)
Special educational needs transport (County)
Speed limits (County)
Street furniture (County)
Street lighting (County)
Street name plates (Borough)
Street parking enforcement (County)
Street parties permission (Borough)
Studies and qualifications (post-16) (County)
Syringe disposal (Borough)
Verge maintenance (County)
Village hall (Parish)
Voluntary organisation grants (Borough)
Voluntary organisation grants (County)
Voting (Borough)
Walking to school (County)
War memorial (Parish)
Weather (County)
Winter road maintenance (County)
Services provided by Amber Valley Borough Council, Derbyshire County Council, Kilburn Parish Council.​