Kilburn Community Speed Watch: KCSW
(Updated November 2023)

Who are we?
Kilburn Community Speed Watch is a team of volunteers who give up 1 to 2 hours of their time a month to help address speeding concerns throughout the village of Kilburn and support other speed watch groups in surrounding villages. They are dedicated to what they do and know that their sessions have a positive impact. All information we collate, greatly assists Derbyshire Community Speed Watch and Derbyshire Police Constabulary in pinpointing speeding problem areas within our village and enables them to better support us in return. The KCSW team is strongly supported by the Parish Council, they purchased part of the necessary equipment to run the sessions and give up their valuable time to support. In 2021 Kilburn Parish Council organised a recruitment drive and a new coordinator for Kilburn came forward.
What is the purpose of a CSW?
Community Speed Watch (CSW) is a scheme to allow trained volunteers to address speed concerns in their communities. It supports the Police by monitoring the speed of vehicles through local communities. Community Speed Watch does not enforce the law but those identified as exceeding the speed limit can expect to receive an advisory letter from the Police. Community Speed Watch is designed to support the Police by making us all aware of the dangers of travelling too fast for the prevailing conditions.
The overall casualties in Derbyshire in 2021 and 2022 was a staggering 4,820. We are sure you will agree, this cannot continue. The work of Kilburn Community Speed Watch is aimed at reducing the above statistics and therefore making our community a safer place.
Introducing Your Kilburn Coordinator
Hi, I am Andrew, I have lived in Kilburn for 25 years and enjoy living in such a lovely area with my wife and family. A few years ago, I volunteered to be a CSW coordinator. Prior to this I was a volunteer within the Kilburn CSW team. I wanted to volunteer because speeding in Kilburn and surrounding villages had been increasing over many years and even more so post covid restrictions being lifted. This was observed not only by myself as a driver with cars driving up to my bumper and then dangerously taking over at high speed, but also through friends and family, complaints being aired on social media, complaints of near misses being raised constantly with the Parish council and also many pets being runover and killed is on the increase, particularly on Ryknield Road and Woodhouse Road.
I have seen through doing CSW sessions that, it does have a significant impact on making people aware that they are speeding and through continued presence and education we can make a lasting difference and reduce the risks brought on us all by speeding in community areas. As a volunteer coordinator, I hope to bring people together from our community who are concerned about speeding, give them a voice and an opportunity to actively participate in our awareness campaigns and roadside sessions, providing a vital link between trained volunteers and SNT’S, specialist policing units and our Parish Council. This helps our KCSW be as effective as possible. working together is always the best.
Going forward, You ARE being listened to, your views count!
The team and I work closely with Kilburn Parish Council. In 2022 They published a community questionnaire, and under the heading “what would be your policing priorities” speeding was at the top of concerns with 60 out of 171 residences making this their number one priority and there were specific comments as to the areas of concern. Taking this information, I went around to view those locations and the entire village with a Kilburn Parish Councillor. I then applied to Derbyshire CSW for more sites. I am happy to report there now 13 in total. We have chosen several positions on those roads that were mentioned, plus a few other locations. We are hopeful that enhancing our coverage further we will be able to reduce speeding.
How can you help … We need volunteers - Come join us!
We need more volunteers to cover new locations and to make speedwatch effective.
At present the aim is to do a minimum of 2 speedwatch sessions a month. However, to have continuity of presence. We Ideally want to be able to do one a week at different times of day. This is impossible without more volunteers especially those that can cover afternoons or weekends covering the winter season sessions.
The sessions are no longer than an hour, they can be done at any time of day as long there’s adequate day light, 2-4 persons need to be present per session. Full training is given by Derbyshire CSW along with the coordinator.
If you want to join us or have any questions, please contact me, Andrew Bailey: Admin@KilburnCSW.org.uk Or visit www.crestderbyshire.org There’s also a lot of really useful information at: www.communityspeedwatch.org