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Report An Issue


Report a road fault or ask about a road issue

Report a pothole or another problem with a road.


Report a street light fault

Report a problem or fault with a street light, lamp, lit traffic sign or bollard.


Report fly-tipping

From a small bag of rubbish to an unwanted mattress or worn-out settee, if rubbish is dumped somewhere without permission it is classed as fly-tipping.

Fly-tipping is a crime – help put a stop to it.


Report dog fouling 

Dog faeces is a health hazard and can cause blindness in young children. If you witness deliberate dog fouling then please report it. Lets keep Kilburn clean.





© Copyright 2024 by Kilburn Parish Council.

Ms S A Matthews



Kilburn Parish Council

33 Hallgate Close, Oakwood, 


DE21 2QY

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