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Kilburn Village Hall

Run by Kilburn Community Association on behalf of the Community.


Village Hall Hire



Hire fee - £15.00 per hour which includes use of all facilities. The hall is disability friendly with easy access via the side entrance of the hall. 


Kilburn Community Association meets on the fourth Monday of the month, except August and December. Its primary role is to manage and maintain the Village Hall. However, the KCA also supports the annual Kilburn Community Day, Remembrance Parade and provides the community with valuable information via their Facebook page. Minutes of Meetings can be found below. The KCA comprises of representatives of groups who regularly use the Village Hall together with members of the public. Kilburn Parish Council, who subsidise the Village Hall also have representatives.


For more information visit their Facebook page.

Executive Officers

Chair - Kelly Parker

Vice Chair - Tracey Bailey

Secretary - Kirsty Fox

Treasurer - Diana Peake

President - Terry Welch


© Copyright 2024 by Kilburn Parish Council.

Ms S A Matthews



Kilburn Parish Council

33 Hallgate Close, Oakwood, 


DE21 2QY

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