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KPC - Anti Social Behaviour Newsletter

Writer's picture: Kilburn Parish CouncilKilburn Parish Council

Updated: Apr 19, 2022

Anti-Social Behaviour

The information in this article gives some advice on what to do if you experience anti-social behaviour, who to contact and where to find more information.

Anti-social behaviour (ASB) covers a wide range of unacceptable activity that causes harm to an individual, to their community or to their environment. This could be an action by someone else that leaves you feeling alarmed, harassed or distressed. It also includes fear of crime or concern for public safety, public disorder or public nuisance.

• Nuisance, rowdy or inconsiderate neighbours

• Vandalism, graffiti and fly-posting

• Street drinking

• Environmental damage including littering, dumping of rubbish and abandonment of cars

• Fireworks misuse

• Inconsiderate or inappropriate use of vehicles (source

Why ASB is a problem

ASB is not victimless; it affects everyone.

‘Antisocial behaviour can have a lasting impact on neighbourhoods and communities as it often leads to an increase in crime, particularly violence and criminal damage.’ (source:

How can we help prevent ASB?

Individuals: always act with consideration and kindness for others and their property.

Parents: know where your children are and who they are with.

Community: encourage, recognise and reward positive behaviour and community mindedness

How we can tackle and reduce ASB

Acting together as a united community is the key. Feel empowered, but feel safe. Standing by and leaving it for others to deal with will not solve our problem.

Remain calm and polite when engaging with people. Losing your cool can get you in trouble.

All incidents of ASB should be reported.

What Kilburn Parish Council is doing

We have recently set up a working party to look at how the Parish Council can co-ordinate with residents and other partners within the community to assist in providing information and assistance relating to ASB. We will update via the newsletter and website as things progress.

How Do I Report ASB

In case of emergency always telephone 999.

Report non-emergency incidents to the police by telephoning 101.

You can report anti-social behaviour on Twitter by sending a direct message directly to the control room at @DerPolContact

You can also contact/report ASB to the Safety Neighbourhood Team using Facebook or the Derbyshire Constabulary Website, links shown below. Please bear in mind that these sites are not monitored 24 hours a day.

Always ask for an incident/crime number.

Further sources of information and advice

This site gives many examples of ASB and what action you can take. Also has links to report ASB.

ASB Help is a charity which provides help and advice to victims of anti-social behaviour.

This site also gives many examples of ASB and links to other sites offering support.

This site is similar to the sites shown above including links to Derbyshire Victim Services.


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